
“Argument?” Oops! I have been the number one, as far as I know. This habit of mine used to be my daily dose and as it should be, still I could not wave this habit. Every conversation with the friends are the arguments but the argument, as far as I consider, it’s an ill.

Well, an argument is the worst part of conversation in existence. The very essence of conversation is to express, and not to supress the opposite. Arguments, to me, have made me very popular and gained me a fame. Don’t be surprised, when I say I gained a popularity. I am a hot talk for the people. My arguments have made them gossip and that’s what makes me think of my loophole.

Luckily, there is this girl-friend of mine; innocent and very kind, I mean it. She encourages me to refrain from arguing. Yes! I feel that either. I am trying the best, I can to avoid the arguments but at times, it becomes inevitable. However, my journey to avoid involving in rough (unrefined) arguments is still a priority.

Jygcen signs out!

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