

I am Jigme Wangchuk, pursuing B.Sc Forestry in College of Natural Resources, Bhutan.

No human can defeat the outstanding you.

I am really interested in the thought of writing but I didn’t accomplish any yet. This is my beginning. Besides, photography really makes me insane.

God bless my journey!

((Never Ending Innocence)): raw piece

Bhutan is a tiny Himalayan Kingdom knotted by the head of India and the tail of China. It is bestowed with the buildings of rich forests and plenty natural resources for the development of ecology. Bhutan is one of the richest countries, world have ever seen in terms of livelihood and co-existence with the mother nature. The philosophy of Gross National Happiness as pronounced by the Mighty King of Bhutan, Druk Gyalpo Jigme Singye Wangchuck, has taken it a step further into materialistic development without having a manipulation on the spiritual development.
Why should people in Bhutan not be proud when the world says, “That’s Bhutan; The Land of Thunder Dragon. It is the home where GNH was epicentred,” shaking the world with a phrase of appreciation.
People in Bhutan are the luckiest, I must say. Of the fortunate people, I am one of them and this is my life in the heavenly abode, now regarded to the world as the carbon neutral nation.

A big yellow glow in the clear sky, the enchanting calls from the early birds and the melodious prayers from the monasteries sets forth my day. The refreshing morning air from the forests and the sweet taste of water every time surrounds me and my society with luxury. These give a peace of mind in the souls of every Bhutanese.

As I walk across the thick flashing streets of the forests, I recall the hard work our forefathers have put in to reap a beautiful forest. In my society, we believe that the forest is culturally and spiritually connected to our soul. Even to this day, our environmentalists and foresters are fighting so hard to conserve the natural resources.

Despite the modernization in one part of the country, there are things that haven’t changed in another. The ancient practices are still green and fresh. The noisy tailoring machine couldn’t overtake the calm sewing pin. The breakable Dhaka plates couldn’t substitute our hand woven Bangchung (bamboo plate). And the toxic pete bottle still lags behind the eco-friendly palang (conventional container).

Every time my feet touches the earth, it takes me closer to the nature. The smoothness of the earth reminds me that every individual living in carbon neutral Bhutan is enjoying.

I have been living in this developmental phase of competition, where anytime our rich and prestigious natural resources could be compromised for the development of the infrastructure. However, I am proud to say that my generation now and later could lead an unprecedented peaceful life. Much should I say about the dynamic leadership of their majesties, who have never failed to recognise the fact that my nation is shining to this level in front of the world beyond its boundary. This is the life in the carbon neutral Bhutan.

Gone love doesn’t rebound

Mind’s empty at the offshore;
With the body of mummies.
Do you stand to breathe-
Head is filled with emotions,
That rotates to a round and back.
What are the emotions that tear man;
Into thousand ashes of love.
Painted radiance of affections,
Lies for a week and fades in time.
Affection is a timely concept;
Seldom a mimicry of life and death.
Should the love for life sustains;
Shall there be peace in the world.
Should there be unwise;
Shall there be the end.
Love is one time,
Treat it as it should be.
A gone doesn’t rebound.

#midnightthought #loveisfakeifthepartnersare

Birds of Lives

The shaded tree of lives,

As it dawns,

Let it sprinkle with the tunes of my alarm.

With the call from afar,

Lives in the tree wakes me.

The eyes get wide opened,

With the mentality to see the lives in the dead standing tree,

A binocular in the hand,

I sat forth to see them,

Each romantic morning.

Beauty and the Beast: The Society of Chaos

Beauty is just the soul that sees it. There are people who don’t appreciate beauties in others. Appreciation is the most essential component of human existence. Some people simply feel the beauty and sees it but refuses to accept the fact that they see it too. Well, this one life, we need to be so wise and appreciative in how one looks, despite the appearance. Nothings are no beautiful (No people are no beautiful). Everyone has an equal share of beauty in the existence if the god is just. Some are exceptionally well looking while others are born with beautiful souls and minds. Some are beautifully crafted with talents while others are beautifully wise. Some are so poetic while others are snortingly creative. All the people are beautiful except for the fact that society in which we dwell is filled with racism, pride, prejudice, and criticism.

The society is chaotic. The society is messed with intelligent fools and foolish smarties. That’s where beauty loses its presence and human loses the sight to see it in all other humans. The disarray of the disordered society creates the beauties into obnoxiousness and peals of laughter into cries. This is the society, inhabited by the submissive beauties and overbearing beasts in us. This is what delineates the wise from the slow learners, the rich from the hardworking inadequate, and beauties from the slightly unformed beauties.

Birth is no cause for such distinction nor the death, but the society is such that stinks with the pungent of nepotism, corruption, and criticism.  Beauties are either handsomely forbidden in the society as ours, which may be on the verge of extinction, or beauties are deformed in the eyes of the human souls.

The sole beauty in the society is the results of prosperous life and to lead the prosperous life, one must not contribute to the chaos in society though, at times, one may land on doing it without his knowledge. However, if the man is mindful of his acts, he will not let the society be with people preoccupied with a mind full of negatives and dislikes for one another. Well then, we can live in the society full of happiness or the society of chaos. The choice is ours to see beauties or the beasts.


Being Humane

Regardless of the caste, gender, and ethnicity, we are all the way same.
The same species: Homo sapiens sapiens. The same species lands up hurting each other for the space that’s so little as the crevices of some ants. Life is all about the competition and co-existence yet we forget about existing together and fight for the survival. We forget the fact that we are dependent on one another. The ecosystem of the life itself is the proof that we are not independent.
Despite the law of life and the ethics, we tend to be inhumane. While the humanity is losing its value, hatred is taking the throne.
It’s in our hand whether to crown the HATRED to the throne or burn it to the ashes.
Be humane. We are all the way same.

“A lion doesn’t concern himself with an opinion of sheep.”
~ George R.R. Martin


Things turned out differently,
Despite the will.
Good becomes bad,
Bad, the worst.
Positive energy drowns,
Yet the life is on.
Sentiment picked apart,
Though never by will.
Friends get apart,
Life’s greatest loss.

Things end up strange,
With lots of derange.
Life takes away everything,
In nothing flat.
It’s on,
And It will be…
The Chaos!

N.B: These days, life isn’t going the way we want. Unintentionally, some are being tortured, while others are criticized. Hopefully, they would understand the situation.


In whilst the time, I have developed myself an ability to capture the lives and nature. I have always had a dream of being a wildlife photographer but due to the financial background, I could not and cannot be at the moment. I might, sometimes in life, turn out to be the best photographer. No camera in the hands is the greatest objection of my dream yet I manage myself with the mobile camera.

The mobile camera is still workable to capture smaller insects and the wild flora except that it cannot capture the fauna like birds and other animals, which are never so stationary.

Viola betonicifolia captured using a mobile camera in Sha Khotokha, Wangdue.

Photography needs patience, which is equal to wasting our time that could be actually utilised for carrying out other activities. The camera focusing is the most important aspect of photography and the lighting, not to be forgotten. We seem to be devoid of the facility without the expensive DSLR camera but if we have the skills of photography, we cannot be defeated. Even with the mobile camera, we can picture the world in reality.

Photography is an art of cameraman, not the camera, whilst they can also be called an artist.

 ©JYGcen (J.C.W)

P.s. It is just my random thoughts and it is a complete raw writing which needs lots of correction. Please comment your suggestions.

Whilst capturing the nature, I was captured by my friend, Sunil Sapkota.

His day in the farm

Crackles the Roosters.

Shatters the dream.

“Wake up,” says the old man.

“Hell; a new day,” mind chuckles.

Everything’s ready,

Yet the sun isn’t up.

Then he realises,

His day on a farm.

He woke before the sun.

Victory are all his.
Then after a long wait,

Wakes the gleaming legend; The sun.

Glaring at it,

He remains enchanted.

His real day is on the battle.

Moos the cattle,

For he provides them the fodder.

Cattle thanked him,

With a cow dung.

Host family overwhelmed,

For the dung cooks them food.

Hats on the head,

Scarf around the neck,

Wearing a gumboot,

A man dances in the field.

Fascinated by him,

He mimics.

He slowly began,

Dancing with the hoes,

And communicating with the soil.

But his beauty got an evil eyes.

Blisters flied and sticked his hand,

For she was curious about his glow.

It is a one sided love.

He never loved the blister as she did.

He waited for a good time to ride her off,

But the grain of sand were mixed with the clay.

Finally, it gets segregated. 

He leaves her.
The day sets off,

And the sun degenerates.

The dream rebuilds for now.

A piece, I wrote during my internship at Wokuna, Kabesa under Punakha. We were sent as an exchange students to farmers house for the period of a month. The article dates back to the month of Feburary 2017.

Author’s Writings

What’s so natural about writing is that it comes out so automatically but rather for it to sound as the work of an author, certain criteria is a necessity. 

Here are some of the criteria, which I feel for myself to be one amongst them:

1. Firstly, one ought to have a creative idea and the natural emotions.

2. The words, with which the author plays, should be coherent and fluent. Simple and understanding; doesn’t necessitate the fancy words though such words makes it sound more standardised literature 😂.

3. The writings should touch the readers’ cognitive behaviours and attitude. Emotions counts in attitude. 

4. Finally, the natural ability and the expression to mesmerise the readers.

These are what I feel the authors must possess while writing but the individuals might have their own perspective over the AUTHOR’S WRITINGS. 

Thank you!

Plain English

The thoughts that marathons around my complex walnut shell are as vast as the Arabian sea yet the expressions are way too limited as the fishes in the hook. The author in me is the dream in reality. The author in me is the deceitful smile in the expression of the readers. For the authors are what I consider to be the ideaed and knowledge banks of words. And this makes me one of the top rated bottom writers. What I lack is not the skills and ideas but the words. That’s what makes the English, in me, so plain.

To the readers:

Shall I go learn the language of Shakespeare?

‘Cause that’s the only language to win you,

Or is there reflexive?

Provide me with the choice,

Any shall it be adopted,

But I can barely find the best.

The existing alternatives makes me stand,

At sixes and sevens,

For all who wrote are,

Authors in real. The authors with words.

Limited English in me,

Is woe to the wannabe.

But as far as you read,

I shall write,

With the precise flow over language,

With the precise thoughts,

And with the precise and the Plain English.

Thoughts at the closure:
 Plain English is fine for the wannabe like me, for this is what’s going to keep me writing though at times, the balance between the outflow of language and the inflow of thoughts often fails to cooperate in writing a piece of literature. 

P.s. Read and be the critics for it shall be taken positively to  turn myself into the Characters in the eyes of the readers. 

Thank You!