Being Humane

Regardless of the caste, gender, and ethnicity, we are all the way same.
The same species: Homo sapiens sapiens. The same species lands up hurting each other for the space that’s so little as the crevices of some ants. Life is all about the competition and co-existence yet we forget about existing together and fight for the survival. We forget the fact that we are dependent on one another. The ecosystem of the life itself is the proof that we are not independent.
Despite the law of life and the ethics, we tend to be inhumane. While the humanity is losing its value, hatred is taking the throne.
It’s in our hand whether to crown the HATRED to the throne or burn it to the ashes.
Be humane. We are all the way same.

“A lion doesn’t concern himself with an opinion of sheep.”
~ George R.R. Martin

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